St. Michael's Church

St. Michael's Church

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Click the light bulbs to see who's fighting slavery and where they're helping.
Map Data
Map data ©2019
Map DataMap data ©2019
Map data ©2019
Light Bulb


people who help to free slaves.  Supporters of the Underground Railroad put lights on their barns at night to let runaway slaves know they were safe havens to sleep or find food and water. So we represent people who help to free slaves with light bulbs.



nonprofits freeing slaves.  Slaves escaping north to freedom relied on the North Star as a beacon and compass because it doesn't change its location. Today, slaves gaining freedom rely on nonprofits that are unwavering in their help, so we represent them with stars.

Supporters of the St. Michael's Church station

  • David Lynn
  • Rafael Mason
  • Carrie Nardelli
  • Narayan Achi
  • Adi Vichova
  • Seth Aronson
  • Angela Nunez
  • Sharon Wooding
  • Miles Ackerman
  • David Chung
  • Steve Meenan
  • Kristin Bresnahan
  • Scott Lindbloom
  • Teresa Sampson
  • Sebastian Quinn
  • Don Rhee
  • Jimmy Cranston
  • Marissa Wilson
  • Cindy Pugoli
  • Marcus Steinman
  • Ann Marie Petri
  • Lynnette Cavanaugh
  • Jill Smith
  • Kevin Guitierrez
  • Susan Lundgren
  • Mel Hollis
  • Karen Nguyen
  • Ira Rosen
  • Jason Claiborne
  • Nick Palexis
  • Mel Hollis
  • Linda Joubert
  • Mackensie Stevens
  • Mike Andrews
  • Nate Birbiglia
  • Yousef Kabran
  • David Tosi
  • Amet Guzdar
  • Justin Pearl
  • Ted Roppel
  • Jay Ansin
  • Roy Amberger
  • Lily Hilgrow
  • Rob Cohen
  • Daniel Kim
  • Anthony Larelli
  • Tina Kavowski
  • Tom Newfield
  • Linda Moore
  • Laphonso Deon
  • Pablo Ruiz David Lobell
  • Jill Hagandanz
  • David Chen
  • Walter Thoreau
  • Alex Curran
  • Andrew Enoch
  • Laurence Falvey
  • Peter Ferguson
  • Hunter Aron
  • Maggie Olerud
  • Sumi Lee